Welcome To The Flight Fest
This is a competition for jumpers only. In the sport of track and field there are multiple events that take place at every meet. But most athletes only pay attention to the events they do, and never end up watching the other events that take place. So we decided to mix it up a bit. We are hosting this exclusive event for jumpers only. Check out the info below to see what this is all about.
What Is Flight Fest?
The Flight Fest Is An Exclusive Competition For Jumpers Only. There will be no distance events, or sprinting events taking place on the track.
Not only is this an event just for jumpers, we are going to add a few twists to this to make it really different from any other meet you’ve ever been to before.
This Flight Fest is going be jam packed with energy so that way you can feed off of it and set HUGE pr’s
Who Is The Flight Fest For?
High Jumpers

Long Jumpers

Triple Jumpers

Pole Vaulters

Who Is The Flight Fest Not For?

Why Are We Doing The Flight Fest?
We Want You To Have Fun
It’s definitely cool to go and compete at a track meet. But they usually take forever, and honestly most jumpers don’t care about/ are bored watching the other events. So we decided to put this together so that you have one hell of a time jumping, and not have to worry about watching other events you don’t care about.
We Thought It Would Be Cool
The one thing about track and field as a sport here in the U.S. is that it’s very “stuffy & traditional.” So we thought how could we make “field and track” cool. This was one of the ideas we thought of.
We Wanted To Do Something No One Else Was Doing
Honestly, we’ve probably been to hundreds of meets over the years, and have never seen anything like this anywhere. So we figured… what the hell? Let’s give this a go, and put on something we’ve never seen before. I guess you could say we are trying to mix it up a bit.
To Push And Grow The Sport
We figured lets try and push the sport and do something different and build it around one specific events group. No one is doing that, and we like to push the boundaries to see what happens.
We Like To Party
We’ve all been to meets where the energy is just not there. Well, that’s not going to happen here. We’ve decided to turn this into a festival/party to create a very different experience from any other sort of meet that you have ever been to. The type of meet that you will always remember.
To See What Talent Is Really Out There.
We decided why not put on a meet for a bigger area to bring in the talent for just a few events instead of all of them.
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Flight Fest General Information
Saturday – July TBD
Sunday – July TBD – Jumpers Combine/ Rain Date
Events Featured
High Jump
Long Jump
Triple Jump
Pole Vault
Saturday 8am – 5pm (competition) Sunday 8am – 5pm (combine) –
Eligibility/ Divisions
Youth – Up Through Middle School (Long Jump Only)
Scholastic – H.S. Aged Athletes
Open – After High School To Age 29 Masters – Age 30+
All Flight Fest Location Details Are TBD
Costs (Pre-Meet Only)
$25 Per Jumping event $50 – Jumpers Combine
$100 – Pro Package – Access to all events plus combine
Flight Fest Schedule
Saturday - TBD
8am - Check In And Registration
9am - Long Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault
All events are open pit. That means that all levels, men and women, jump at the same time.
For the high jump and pole vault, youth and women will go first. As the bar goes up, others can come in.
Triple jump will follow long jump.
End Of The Meet - Medal Presentation, Wrap Up, And What's Taking Place Sunday.
Sunday - TBD
8am - Registration and check in
9am - Jumpers Combine - Click Here For Info On The Combine
End Of Combine - Wrap Up And Final Presentation
Disclaimer And Other Info
Inclement Weather
This is a completely outdoor competition so bad weather is a possibility. The Flight Fest will take place rain or shine. If there is a threat of serious weather (thunder and lightning) we will delay the meet until it passes. If it is a complete rain out on Saturday, the competition will be moved to Sunday. The jumpers combine will be held in the morning, and the competition will be held in the afternoon
The schedule is extremely flexible and a general outline of when events will take place. Basically, you register at 8am, the events/competition start at 9am, and then all other events follow. The 5pm end time is a general time. It could end before that, or after that.
Eligibility/ Divisions Fine Print
There is a possibility of combining divisions. This will happen if there is not enough people to fill certain divisions. For example, if there are only a handful of masters division athletes, we will consider combining them with the open division. Awards will still be based on division/age group.
A non-refundable deposit will be included with The Flight Fest. In the case of a complete rain out/ severe weather for the entire weekend you will be refunded the entire amount of your purchase less the $10 deposit.
Facility Disclaimer
The Flight Fest is taking place at one of the best high school facilities in the United States. It’s 1 of only 8 tracks certified in the U.S by the IAAF. So please respect the facility, staff, and act accordingly. Please be aware no food or drink other then water will be allowed on the track or runways. We will have a dedicated food area and concession stand for you to eat and drink what you like.
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Flight Fest Guarantee
We want to let you know that we are putting all the risk for the Flight Fest on our shoulders. This is a unique event, and we are going to do everything in our power to make this fun and different for you. If for whatever reason you are not happy with Flight Fest, just let us know and we will be happy to do whatever we can to make this a great experience for you.